Monday, August 10, 2009


Sophie is such a drooler! Not only does all the drool come out on it's own, but she loves to spit! Time has gone by so fast. I can't believe that she is 4 months old already! She is getting really close to rolling over. She is so funny when you can get her smiling and laughing, but she is pretty stingy with those things. It takes a lot of work, but very worth it when it does happen!

Aren't slobbery smiles the best??

I can't believe how fast time has gone by. It simply has been the fastest 4 months of my entire life! She's such a sweetie and is making her place in our family just fine! She already has gotten mad a few times and yelled at whoever is bugging her. This age is just so fun because every week they are doing something new or better. She loves her rattle, her doll and her links. She is done with the pacifier, preferring to suck on her fingers (not sure how I feel about that yet). She also sleeps through most nights and usually takes at least one long nap, as long as we are home for a stretch of time. She doesn't sleep well in other places besides her bed or swing or our bed. We're just excited to see her grow up!


Stephanie H. said...

Ha how funny! She is just too cute!

Sassy Rachel said...

She is so yummy I can barely contain myself.

Ashley said...

I just can't get enough of her!And she's not even mine! How do you stand it?!? :)

Crazy Beth said...

She. Is. Adorable.