Friday, September 10, 2010


And this is what Sophie has been up to for the past month.

Not sure what her problem is lately, but I sure hope she gets past it because it can get frustrating! She's still cute though.


Stephanie H. said...
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Stephanie H. said...

I have been waiting for new posts FOREVER!!!! Can't believe they are all getting so big, love you guys!

Natalie said...

Looks like what Brooklyn's been doing a lot lately too. I don't know how you do it with 4! I have a hard time with just her and when she wants to be held all the time I go crazy. You are an amazing mom!!!

Erica said...

Oh boy that is my life too. I think that is part of the reason I still have Everett taking 2 naps a day, it's about my sanity.