On the 23rd our family left for a much needed vacation. We went down near Bryce Canyon in Utah. My sister-in-law's sister was nice enough to let the whole (those who were able at least) Gebs family use her beautiful cabin. We took some hikes, did some fishing, had some fires, played some games, watched some movies, ate some food, shot some guns... all in all it was really wonderful to be together (despite some freezing temperatures)!
We're on our way!
When we were done with the Gebs' reunion we went up north to Tooele to visit my family. We had a really great time there too... visiting with old friends and making new ones, jumping on the trampoline, going on a date, shopping, swimming, and enjoying eachother's company! Oh how hard it is to get back to everyday life!
Mostly I am glad that you guys are back. It is nice to have a break and I am glad that you had a good trip, but I'm glad your back.
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