Friday, May 16, 2008

So Fun!

I am so excited about hunting this book down and reading it! I found out about from blog hopping actually, but the quotes seem HALARIOUS! Read them below and tell me if you don't think this will be SO FUN to read!

"A lady knows the gym is her opportunity to get in shape. She should be focused on her workout and dress appropriately so she is not a distraction to others or even to herself as she jogs or does aerobic movements. A lady is careful to wear clothes that support her bust line and wears tights or shorts that are complimentary to her figure and functional at the same time. She doesn't use the gym for getting dates or catching up on the latest gossip. A lady knows that is she is serious at the gym, it will pay off."

"When a lady makes her way down a row in a crowded theater, she faces the people who are already in their seats. A lady never forces others to stare at her backside."

"A Lady knows when it is acceptable to eat the garnish."

"At a cocktail party or a seated dinner, if a lady discovers that she has put something unpleasant, or unpalatable, in her mouth she gets rid of it in the most efficient way possible. In most cases, she simply uses her fingers or her fork. She works quickly and does not even attempt to disguise her actions behind a napkin."

A lady does not crunch her ice."

"A lady does not raise her voice when angry. It is only proper to shout at someone when he or she is in danger or about to score a touchdown."

"A lady never mentions her monthly cramps, except to the closest of friends."

Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Simply Delightful"

I know everyone is probably getting sick of my "Lindsay quotes" and stories lately but she has been saying so many darn cute things lately and I don't want to forget them!

The Saturday before Mother's Day she and I went on a Mother Daughter Date. It was a super great afternoon! We went to Kohl's (I had to exchange shoes) and while we were there we smelled perfume, I let her put a little lipstick, tried on shoes... it was fun. Then we went over to the mall so she could play for a while and I bought the two of us some icecream cones. While we were sitting at the table, I asked her if she was enjoying our date. She said she was.
"So mom, what should we talk about?"
"Whatever you want."
"Well, if this is a date, we should talk about our likes and dislikes and our interests and come up with more activites."
HOW CUTE IS THAT?!?!? For those of you who haven't seen Enchanted, it's a quote from Gissel.
Later on in the conversation, I asked her if she liked her ice cream.
"Yes," she replied "it's simply delightful."
We had a really great day together, and I am glad that I took her rather than running into Longmont by myself.
To be honest there is no girl that I have my frustrating moments with more than Lindsay, but she really is my little princess and I feel blessed that Heavenly Father entrusted such a beautiful little girl to my care.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great Movie!

Shane and I watched August Rush this week. Oh my goodness.... We LOVED it!! If you haven't seen it, see it! It is really really good! It's very clean too, it's PG. and we always welcome a good clean movie!

Friday, May 2, 2008


This morning I was telling the kids to be careful with their grape juice because if they spilled it on their pjs it would stain. "Stain?" Lindsay asked. "Yea, it means it'll never come off" Brandon informed her. "Oh! You should buy some BAM! It will get those stains right out!" Lindsay announced.
Yea, she doesn't know what a stain is, but she knows what will get it out. A sign she has watched too much tv? I think so.

Yay for modesty!

I just wanted to blog about how proud I am of my little sister, Jessica. After MUCH anticipation she finally had her prom last weekend and had a fabulous time. I had heard so much about her dress and so was very very excited to see what it looked like. My mom made it and so she was able to tailor the pattern to make it fit perfectly and make it modest. I am so proud of Jess and her modest dress. The things women are wearing now a days is just so frustrating to me and I wonder how the young women with high standards will ever be able to overcome the challenges they face, especially in regards to so called "beauty" and what the world finds attractive and "sexy". Anyways, I just wanted to tell Jessica that I am really proud of her for not only choosing a modest dress, but not even considering anything else! You looked BEAUTIFUL Jessica!!!!! I LOVE YOU!
PS don't you love the picture of the jumping on the trampoline?!?!!? My favorite.